
Monday, August 29, 2011

WTOP: Starr thinks illegal fees collected end up in MCPS budget

Thanks to WTOP for getting the new Superintendent Joshua Starr to comment on fees charged to students.
It's clear from the interview that Superintendent Starr thinks that the illegal curricular fees collected by local schools end up in the MCPS budget. Is Superintendent Starr getting some bad information from the "transition team" or the "community committee"?

FYI for new superintendent: illegal fees don't end up in the MCPS Operating budget. 
You won't find them accounted for on any page in the budget.

That's how you can tell they are illegal!

If they were legal fees they would be accounted for in the annual budget process, and the fees would have been voted on by the Board of Education.

WTOP: 7 Montgomery Co. schools to close on 1st day of class

From the WTOP audio interview:
WTOP:  A lot of school systems have had to start charging kids if they want to play sports and extra-curricular activities. Where are you on that?  
Superintendent Joshua Starr:  We have some fees for some specialized classes at the high schools, you know. But we certainly make accomodations for families. And you know, I am not of the mindset that we will want to increase fees in any way, shape, or form. It is something we'll certainly take a look at in our budget process. We know that it's not ideal but it is necessary right now. We have no plans to increase it at this time.

8/30/11 UPDATE: Parents' Coalition releases list of MCPS Middle School Curricular Fees

1 comment:

  1. since when is tech ed a specialized class? it's required


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