
Saturday, September 10, 2011

$29.179 Million to Move MCPS Food Services Facility

But Superintendent Starr is requesting that Montgomery County fund a larger facility and new food services equipment for an additional $3 million.  

Here's the report that will go before the Montgomery County Council's Education Committee on September 12, 2011 at 2 PM. (To be televised live on County Cable and available via Internet from the County Council's website.)

MCPS Food Distribution Facility Relocation


  1. These people are living on another planet. smart growth "initiative?" G.O. bonds? Really? there is no money folks. period. no money. but you want to borrow more money,even though the BOE has not provided any estimates for the real cost of construction, including parking; and the cost of new equipment. Your choice, you elected these people. Three of them who are spending your money like drunken sailors are up for re-election in Nov 2012: Chris Barclay, Laura Berthiaume, and Phil Kauffman. This may be why the push for legislation in Annapolis so the BOE can raise your taxes without any input from the County Council. Your choice.

  2. @Paula - Are these the only three who are spending our money, or do all of your posts indicate that because these 3 are up for re-election?

  3. Paula's post specifically said these 3 were up for re-election in 2012.

  4. Hi Anonymous,
    I post the three because they are the 3 board members up for re-election in 2012. Last go-around, the voters of MoCo (those who voted) re-elected all the BOE incumbents. My hope is to have people really take a good look at the BOE and the candidates this time around. Take a close look at their records. The BOE is responsible for an annual budget that is well over 50% of our tax dollars -- over $2.1Billion a year -- more money than every single other county agency combined -- that includes first responders, health and human services, libraries, every agency in the county. IMO, the BOE spending needs oversight and accountability and transparency. Spending billions of dollars every year, in this economy, with no oversight or audits is beyond foolish.


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