
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Board wants Cell Tower Appeal Dismissed

Wheaton High School
The Board of Education has never voted in public to place a cell phone tower at a public school site in Montgomery County.  Yet, cell towers are seen at 13 public school sites in the following parts of the county:  Silver Spring (6), Gaithersburg (2), Rockville (2), Germantown,  Kensington and Sandy Spring.

It is therefore impossible for the public to ever appeal a public vote of the Board of Education to build a cell tower on a school site, because the Board never takes a public vote.

The only public vote taken by the Board of Education on a cell tower installation is after a school site has been leased to a private cell tower company and the Board votes on the easement for the separate utility company.

Even though the cell tower leases show that they must be signed for by the Board of Education, the Board never signs these documents.

In this response to an appeal of a recent Board vote on easements for six cell towers, the Board calls the appeal "illogical."

Kennedy High School - view from side street
Cell Tower Appeal Response

1 comment:

  1. Goofy! For so many reasons the Board’s Reply to this Appeal is just plain goofy. Take, for example, their discussion of the Telecom. Act. Did the Board's attorneys skip reading it, not understand it, or did they just rely upon T-Mobile for the interpretation? Apparently, Park and Planning (another government landowner) uses an interpretation that’s a bit more logical, reasonable, and favorable to County residents. Otherwise, we might expect to see a cell tower at every community park and neighborhood tot lot. Imagine how that would affect the safety of our kids and our home values.


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