
Saturday, September 24, 2011

"It is important to note..." that it is easy to put one over on the County Council

In the recently released Report from the Montgomery County Council titled, A Review of Benefits and Issues Associated with Natural Grass and Artificial Turf Rectangular Stadium Fields, the following statement is made on Page 71. 

"It is important to note that site preparation and stormwater management facilities are bid as part of the project's site work, which is bid separately from the purchase and installation of the artificial surface" - seriously?  Who wrote that? 

Certainly not someone who has seen the actual procurement documents that have been made public for the Richard Montgomery High School and Walter Johnson High School artificial turf installations.  Those documents show one vendor, no bids and the entire project listed on one proposal sheet - site work AND artificial turf. 
Note the "ASSUMPTIONS" listed: 1. Bidding services will not be required.

If MCPS now maintains that there were additional costs to install the artificial turf at these two high schools then it is time for them to release the additional documentation to support those procurements, name the vendors, and release the bids.

  • MCPS Artificial turf procurement documents released January 25, 2010 pursuant to a Maryland Public Information Act request, and now contradicted in Report to be presented Monday, September 26, 2011 to the Montgomery County Council, are shown below.

Artificial Turf Purchase Orders for Montgomery County Schools

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