
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Reminder: Civic Fed meeting Mon, Sept 12th, Sustainability

Please join the Civic Fed this Monday evening for our monthly meeting and program on Sustainability: Definitions and Implementation.

Monday, September 12, 2011
7:45 p.m.
County Council Building - 1st Floor Auditorium
100 Maryland Avenue
Rockville, Maryland

Program - Sustainability: Definitions and Implementation

Speakers -
Jennifer Bitting, Environmental Engineer, Conservation and Energy
Branch, Environmental and Energy Division, Customs and Border Protection,
Department of Homeland Security
Doug Weisburger, Senior Planner, Sustainability Programs, Montgomery County
Department of the Environment
Eric Caufman, Senior Planner, Mont. Co. Dept. of the Environment
Councilmember Roger Berliner, Chair, County Council Committee on
Transportation, Infrastructure, Energy and Environment

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