
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

$48 Million & the Roof Leaks

From the Churchill Cluster PTA public comment to the Board of Education on November 14, 2011, the brand new Cabin John Middle School roof leaks.
Note to PTA, the Board of Education will be more than happy to "inspect" this building and inspect it "as is" - leaky roof and all.  Building defects never stop the Board of Education from accepting a construction project. 
Churchill Cluster PTA:  Lessons Learned from Modernizations 
Cabin John MS Punch List - We request attention to the completion of the Cabin
John punch list.  Following construction of Bells Mill ES, the finalized punch list was
completed by the builder and other agencies in an expeditious and efficient manner. In
contrast, following Cabin John’s occupation, the construction company, the architect, administrators and others have been unable to eliminate the over 100 items left to be completed.
 Numerous requests have not resolved these unfinished tasks such as completion of the electrical work for the newly installed hallway televisions and television studio or the unpredictable repairs such as the leaking new roof.  The noncompletion of the punch list prevents the building from being certified as a Montgomery County Public School. 


  1. Because it doesn't matter. Welcome to Montgomery County.

  2. Cabin John - deal with it. Right down the street Churchill High School hasn't had usable science labs since their "modernization".
    The Board of Education - especially your new representative Patricia O'Neill couldn't care less.

  3. Anonymous@9:57am: the reason Pat O'Neill couldn't care less is that she knows she will be re-elected again, just like all the other BOE members. It is not that O'Neill couldn't care less. It is that you the voters couldn't care less.

  4. Oh no! Voters care. They care about TEACHERS and they vote for EXACTLY WHO THE TEACHERS TELL US TO VOTE FOR. Thank the Apple Ballot for the Board of Education.

  5. Anonymous, nope, you don't get off that easily. It is the voters and citizens who are responsible for who wins elections. No one else. Don't like Pat O'Neill? fine. Then run yourself. Talk to your neighbors. Write letters to the newspapers. Call the media. Step up to the plate. In a democracy the citizens are required to step up. In our democracy, it's " the people." No excuses.


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