
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Berthiaume will not Run for Re-election

Parents' Coalition has learned that Board of Education Member Laura Berthiaume (District 2), who lives in Rockville, will not run for re-election. Readers of this blog know her original district was carved into different districts by the Board of Education in the recent redistricting. The Board approved the overall redistricting plan unanimously. That redistricting plan was then approved by the General Assembly in Annapolis. More to follow...


  1. The Apple Ballot folks wanted her out. The lines were obviously redrawn to include the home of the person that the Apple Ballot wants to replace her.
    Her district was sliced and diced.
    The replacement person is all picked out and ready to go. No interviews needed - as per usual Apple Ballot procedures.
    The Montgomery County Delegation in Annapolis was more than happy to comply with the wishes of the Apple Ballot.
    The teachers will get the person they want in this seat.

  2. Anonymous, if you know the name of the person, please let us know. Why all the secrets? Let's find out now. Similar for 'the apple ballot.' There are people that choose who is on the 'apple ballot.' Who are they? These things don't just 'happen.' People make them happen. Let's draw open the curtain and find out how this government works. It's time.

  3. Ask the Apple Ballot political action person Jon Gerson. He'll know who the Apple Ballot will endorse for this seat.


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