
Friday, November 18, 2011

MCPS Fibs to Feds

But it was just a little lie.
And MCPS was awarded $66,000 from the USDA for telling it.
So who cares?  

On January 27, 2011, MCPS submitted an application for 131 elementary schools and 1 special school to the US Department of Agriculture for the HealthierUS School Challenge - Bronze Award.

If  MCPS met the criteria for a Bronze Award for each school, MCPS would be paid $500 per school for a total of $66,000.  

All MCPS had to do was check all the appropriate boxes on the application and supply some information about school meals.  And they did. MCPS was awarded $66,000, plaques and banners in an awards ceremony at Arcola Elementary School in September.

Glenallen Elementary School
As part of the Bronze Award application, MCPS certified to the USDA that the school system has a Policy and Practice that neither denies nor requires physical activity as a means of punishment (For example, students who misbehave are not denied recess.) See the MCPS application page below obtained by the Parents' Coalition from the USDA. 

But MCPS parents know that isn't true.  MCPS doesn't have a "recess policy" and recess is taken away from students that misbehave at schools all over the county. 

So what difference does it make if MCPS doesn't really have a Policy and Practice about using recess as punishment? Ask the kids. Ask them if they would rather have $66,000 for administrators or guaranteed recess?    

Garrett Park Elementary School

MontgomeryCPS 8  pg 11 wellness policy and regs


  1. In elementary schools, snacks are sold. These snacks are to meet the requirements posted on MCPS's website. Some are pre-packaged with nutritional information on the packaging, others (like brownies) are just in plain plastic wrap. The kicker is, kids can buy as many as they like. Across two elementary schools: one had snacks after the student "finished" lunch and could buy them, as many as they wanted and no one stopped the children. The other permits the students to purchase snacks at the time lunch is purchased.
    What do you think kids will eat first? Right. The snacks.
    These two elementary schools both have high FARM rates but seem to be able to make a lot of sales for snacks.
    When asked where the money goes after purchasing these snacks: Back into the general cafeteria worker pool which helps fund their salaries. Hmmmmm......

  2. perhaps when your child has recess taken away as punishment you can bring this form to their attention.


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