
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Senator Garagiola Responds

Senator Rob Garagiola's response to letter from Meher Desai.
From: Garagiola, Rob Senator (District) []
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 4:13 PM

Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 4:13 PM

Ms. Desai,                 
Thank you for contacting my office about this important issue.  My Legislative Director shared your information with me and I wanted to respond to your concerns. Since my election in 2003, education has been a top priority of mine.  My wife is a public school teacher and I have three children in Montgomery County Public Schools, so I am keenly aware of the necessity to wisely spend allocated education dollars. In these challenging economic times, Maryland made a number of spending reductions, during the 2011 Legislative Session, in order to close the $1.6 billion budget gap.  Despite significant cuts I worked with my colleagues to ensure that Maryland continues to maintain our commitment to education.  Fiscal year 2012 State K-12 public education funding is $5.8 billion, and while many counties will see reductions in funding, Montgomery County will receive $560 million, a 7.6% increase from last year’s funding support for our students and teachers. I am proud to report that Maryland’s emphasis on education has resulted in our schools ranking number one in the nation and in advanced placement testing both for the third year in a row.  These are great accomplishments for all who are involved in our education system, most importantly our students and teachers. As a Maryland State Senator, I am only capable of working with my Montgomery County colleagues to secure the maximum amount possible for our public schools.  I am unable to deliberate on specific spending decisions, such as the ones you have raised with the rebuilding of  Cabin John and Herbert Hoover Middle Schools.  This has historically been the precedent set for public K-12 education funding.  It would be incongruous for me to use my position as an statewide elected official to influence the decisions of the locally elected School Board or County officials.  My office is only able to serve as a mediator between constituents and those elected representatives, who have authority over these decisions.  As such, my staff would be more than happy to convey your concerns to the appropriate parties. I would certainly urge you to contact your local elected school board members and your County Councilmember to share your views.  Their contact information can be accessed through the following links: -          School Board -          County Council - Please contact my office if you have any further questions or concerns.  Again, thank you for taking the time to share your views on this issue.  Please do no hesitate to do so in the future.  
Rob GaragiolaState Senator - District 15104 James Senate Office BuildingAnnapolis, MD 21401301-858-3169301-858-3607 (fax)

1 comment:

  1. It is unclear whether or not State Senator Garagiola will be supporting the proposed legislation to require our county council to ask for an MOE waiver. anyone reading these tea leaves? I have heard this same crap from most of our elected officials. 'we can't do anything' 'it is up to your elected BOE.' more of the same. did you vote for him? would you vote for him again? think twice. sounds like he is saying, in these desperate economic times, he won't step up and be responsible.


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