
Wednesday, December 21, 2011


The folks that put together the Apple Ballot for the teachers' union have put out a rather interesting announcement, shown below.  The announcement tells people that are interested in getting the Apple stamp of approval in the 2012 Board of Education elections that they should contact the Apple folks by January 11, 2012.

Yes, the Apple won't be contacting you if you file to run for a Board of Education seat.  The Apple is not interested in interviewing all Board of Education candidates because in all likelihood they have already pre-selected their picks.  But if you would like to help the Apple pretend that they evaluate all candidates, give them a call by January 11th.

And, oh by the way, January 11th is the FILING DEADLINE for anyone that wants to run for one of the 3 open Board of Education seats in the 2012 elections.

MCEA Announcement:

Attention 2012 Board of Education Candidates

During the months of January and February 2012, the Montgomery County
Education Association (MCEA), an organization of over 12,000 education
professionals in our community, will be conducting candidate interviews
and reviewing qualifications in connection with its recommendation
process for Board of Education candidates for the upcoming primary and
general elections.

Formal announcement of those recommended by MCEA will occur at the end
of February.

Candidates interested in seeking recommendation by MCEA should contact
Jon Gerson at 
301-294-6232 or by email to by January
11, 2012 to ensure full consideration by the organization.


  1. Never run for election so maybe I don't know how this works but I would think if I wanted someone or a group to support me that I would contact them, not wait for them to contact me.

  2. Well, of course you would have to contact them. You are anonymous! They'd never find you.

    But in real life organizations contact ALL of the candidates for a position and ask them to fill out a questionnaire, attend an interview or speak on the phone.

    As we know, the Apple folks did not do anything like that last year when 12 people ran for Board of Education seats. The Apple folks picked their 4 and never interviewed the other 8. Contacting the Apple would have been fruitless as the Apple made its endorsements long before the filing deadline.

  3. "in all likelihood they have already pre-selected their picks"

    In real life, people support their claims with evidence. But then again, I guess MCPS nor the Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, MD reside in such a place. . .

  4. At 6:36 AM - or MCPS IP address

    OK - where is your evidence? Show us where the Apple folks have interviewed ALL candidates in ANY Board of Education election. We'll wait.

    See, we have talked to the Apple organizer and we are very clear on how the Apple operates. The last election cycle was very transparent on the Apple pre-selection process. The 4 sitting Board of Education members were "endorsed" MONTHS before the filing deadline. Give the Apple organizer a call. His contact information is above.

    Ask if the Apple selects candidates for Board seats or does the Apple wait to see who files for the office? (Or does the Apple tell people to file and then endorse them?)

    Ask if the Apple tells sitting Board members that teachers don't like them.

    Let us know what you find out.

  5. Wow. Too bad I don't live in your little, crazy world. I know this process intimately. MCEA DOES contact those that have filed by January 11th, but this is more for the benefit of those that haven't yet OFFICIALLY declared they are running. If you think you're running but haven't filled out the paperwork, you can contact MCEA for consideration ahead of filing. If you file, great; if not, then you won't be interviewed.

    How about instead of banging the MCEA-is-evil drum, you actually do some research?

    And no, I'm not Gerson or Prouty or any of those MCEA folks.

  6. @ 2:04 (MCPS

    You clearly don't know the process intimately, and as you have no name you aren't willing to put your name behind your apple fairy tale. No courage of your convictions?

    Real candidates, with real names know for a fact they were never contacted in the last election and in previous elections. They have stated so publicly.

    The e-mail from Mr. Gerson above clearly says that the those interested are to contact the Apple. That's a pointless announcement as anyone that files for a Board of Education seat will have put all of their PUBLIC contact information on file with the Board of Elections by that date. All other organizations looking to put our endorsements have no trouble contacting the candidates.

    The Apple? Too busy making Apple dumplings to send an e-mail or pick up the phone?

  7. Anon of 12/22 2:04 PM:


    I ran in the last election and I'm still waiting for the MCEA to contact me to fill out their questionnaire.

    I did, however, receive at least six other questionnaires, all of which were issued to all of the candidates after the campaign signup deadline.


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