
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Montgomery County schools chief targets special ed, test score gap | Washington Examiner

Montgomery County Public Schools parents and staff are most concerned about special education services and the persistent achievement gap between white and minority students, according to a report from the school system...

..."What we're doing internally right now is reorienting my team's work to improve instruction for every child, with a clear need to go deeper school by school," Starr told The Washington Examiner. He plans to analyze the variation in the achievement gap at each school before taking next steps...

...To that end, Starr pledged to hold a districtwide forum on special education in the spring semester,
atop parents' concerns that special needs students -- about 12 percent of the school system -- were receiving services that varied by school...

...Another concern was the implementation of Curriculum 2.0, an integrated learning approach adopted by kindergarten and first-grade teachers, as well as some second-grade teachers, this school year...

1 comment:

  1. Two comments: First, regarding, "my team" does anyone know who the team members are? If so please post here. And, regarding, Starr's statement that he will be analyzing the variation in the achievement gap, school by school, I would expect in an open, transparent government the citizens will also be able to do an independent analysis, so, Josh, data please.


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