
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Transparency & Open Government in Annapolis

The first Joint Committee on Transparency and Open Government (JCTOG) is on Wednesday, December 14, 2011. All JCTOG meetings are open to the public. Location: House Office Building, Room 240, 6 Bladen St., Annapolis, MD 21401

The Joint Committee on Transparency & Open Government was authorized in June 2011. Since the General Assembly has concluded that ". . . it is in Maryland's best interest to continue to build on and improve citizen engagement in all aspects of our government . . .", the Committee is to provide continuing Legislative oversight concerning transparency & open government. The Committee is to make recommendations to increase citizen access to government resources, publications, and actions.


  1. Where can the minutes from the first meeting be found? Annapolis?

  2. Update: Committee Co-Chair Sen. Bill Ferguson, D-Baltimore City, said that the committee will develop a website between now and its next meeting. In the meantime, he said, members want to get public feedback about transparency in the state. He encouraged people to send their suggestions for transparency – or frustrations about the lack thereof – to committee staff member Lisa Simpson at

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