
Friday, January 13, 2012

50 ways to leave your lover, or 50 ways to bluff the Board

You know the Paul Simon song.  Well, here in Montgomery County we have our own version of the song.  It has to do with what the Board of Education is told at public Board meetings.

Here's today's example of how the Board of Education may not always be getting the most accurate information as they deliberate and vote.

The following is part of a Public Information Act response from the MCPS Public Information officer.

Yellow is added to highlight the important parts of this response from MCPS.  #1 is the question that the citizen asked, and the italicized response from MCPS is below. 
I [Dana Tofig, Director] am responding to your December 7, 2011, Maryland Public Information Act (MPIA) request regarding the site selection process for the Bethesda Chevy Chase Middle School #2. I am responding on behalf of the superintendent of schools who, as official custodian of records for the school system, is responsible for replies under the Maryland Public Information Act, Maryland State Government Article §§10-611, et seq.

Responses to your specific requests are as follows:

1. At the Board of Education meeting on April 28th, 2011, Mr. James Song, director, Department of Facilities Management, stated that approximately 50 sites were originally considered for the site of-the Bethesda-Chevy Chase (B-CC) Middle School #2. I have requested that list of sites from Mr. Song but I have not yet received it.

Mr. Song’s reference to "approximately 50 sites" being considered for the site of the new B-CC Middle School #2 was an estimate meant to convey the thoroughness of the review of site options. MCPS staff used Geographic Information System technology to assist in a review of available land in the B-CC Cluster. Based on this review, 10 candidate sites were identified and were the only sites considered by the Site Selection Advisory Committee (SSAC). The 10 candidate sites reviewed in the first site selection process plus any additional candidate sites that are identified by members of the SSAC will be presented at the first meeting.


  1. I can't stop laughing.

    What was it; 49; 48; 20; 10? I suspect it was two because the other sites either were ridiculous to consider based on size or were well-protected by their representatives on the SSAC.

    Sadly, the new SSAC kick-off was a disorganized mess with incorrect, inadequate, or inconsistent information; restricted debate; and what lloked like UNrestricted voting.

    You can put lipstick on a pig; it's still a pig. The SSAC process is still a sham and likely will spark more litigation.

  2. You are so right. And let's remember, MCPS is full of experts! LOL!

    That can't even get their facts right...Since when is the Rosemary Hills Lyttonsville Local Park NOT currently used as a local park? Since it is being leased by a private educational facility! ?????

    Who put this together? In the real world, heads would roll, but let's remember this is MCPS after all.

  3. Anonyqmous@Jan13 1:14PM, MCPS is not a monolith; it consists of public employees paid for with our local, state, and federal tax dollars. Let's remember too, then, this is your elected Board of Education that you voted for; let's remember, this is MoCo after all.


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