
Sunday, January 8, 2012

MABE: The Handout They Didn't Hand Out Last Night

UPDATE: Sunday, January 8, 2012:
It seems that some of the MABE links on Maintenance of Effort have become disabled since the original posting. To see the MABE legislative position on Maintenance of Effort, click HERE.

To see the MABE proposed amendments on the MOE "funding floor", CLICK HERE.

Our tax dollars, via the dues that the Board of Education pays, are being used to develop these platforms. Don't you think we should be permitted to read them?

Turns out the Maryland Association of Boards of Education presented a "Call for Maintenance of Effort Reform" at the MACo conference last August, in Ocean City.
You can read the whole presentation HERE.

Interestingly, Valerie Ervin gave a presentation at the same conference, on Montgomery County's experience during the last budget cycle with the maintenance of effort issue. You can read her entire presentation HERE.(Just scroll down to the list of presentations, and click on it).

1 comment:

  1. And here's the link to another MABE handout on Maintenance of Effort! And now we know why MCPS pays such hefty dues to belong to this organization!


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