
Monday, January 16, 2012

Starr on Recess as Punishment: "We don't have a Policy"

Superintendent Joshua Starr confirming that MCPS does not have a recess policy, and thus when MCPS staff filled out the application for a $66,000 award from the US Department of Agriculture the answer to the question about recess should have been NO. 


  1. Every single elelmentary school in MoCo submitted applications for awards -- cash awards -- to the US Dept. of Agriculture in which they stated there was a policy. And, every single elementary school was awarded the cash prize based on the answers they wrote in the application. Hmm. I'll bet USDA is interested in this video, not to mention US taxpayers who shelled out the cash. Thanks Janis, for posting.

  2. Awesome work! You figured out a way to possibly get $66,000 taken away from elementary schools! Can you FOIA every MCPS federal grant request and see if you can get more money taken away?

  3. @5:20 So it is OK for MCPS administrators to lie to the federal government as long as they get cash?

    And it is OK to use elementary school children as pawns in a scheme to get cash by saying that they are not kept from recess for misbehaving even though parents know they are?

    Is this a new class in MCPS, Lying 101?

  4. Anonymous@5:20 PM, you're kidding, right? Fraud is ok? We didn't figure out a way to take $66k from MCPS. The BOE appears to have committed fraud. Are you seeing something different here?

  5. Subishi, Parents Coalition has documents from various elementary schools in Montgomery County that state explicitly that taking away recess is used as punishment for improper or poor behavior. Those documents are on this blog in earlier posts (I don't have the links handy right now). Bottom line: 1. USDA put out a formal questionnaire as part of the award process. 2.MoCo BOE submitted the questionnaire for every ES in the county -- every single one. 3. The elected BOE signed a federal application in which false information was provided. Not once. not twice. But for many of the schools. End of story.


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