
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Argyle Middle School: We Shave, You Pay

A fascinating article in the Gazette: fewer than half of the eligible students had signed up for outdoor education, so two teachers agreed to shave their hair into Mohawks if 85 percent of the sixth grade signed up. And so they did, and a special assembly was held for the head-shaving ritual.

The Gazette explained why there was initially low registration for outdoor ed:

A student must have permission from a parent and pay a fee to take the trip. Sixth grade administrator Sundra Mann said Argyle generally gets about 70 percent of sixth-graders to go on outdoor education. The school has a 70 percent FARMS rate, meaning most of the students receive free and reduced rate meals.

“You don’t usually see so many students [on outdoor education] from a high-need school,” Siddons said at the assembly (...)

I'm sorry, but this is just flat-out wrong. Peer pressure to convince students to sign up for a trip that their parents may not be able to afford? When they shouldn't have to pay for it in the first place?

Outdoor ed is a nice activity, when properly supervised. But why on earth does Montgomery County Public Schools allow such a distinction between the "haves" and the "have nots?"


  1. Because MCPS is using Outdoor Education to satisfy the State of Maryland's environmental learning module requirement. If the students don't go on the Outdoor Ed trip, they won't have completed the requirement for middle school.

    Charging students for a curricular requirement is, of course, illegal. But that never stops MCPS.

  2. I think there might be another explanation. MCPS can't force students to be away from home for three days. Do they meet the course req. for environmental education via schoolwork instead, while the rest of the class goes to outdoor Ed?

  3. That's not what they told the State of Maryland.

  4. Do other counties offer outdoor ed and if so who pays for it? Asking because I don't know the answer.

  5. Yes, other Maryland Counties have Outdoor Education programs...hold on to your's free or under $5. That's because it is part of the CURRICULUM and curricular fees are illegal in Maryland.

    But thanks to MCPS paving the way for illegal curricular fees, recently Howard County has been slapping its students with huge Outdoor Education fees. Legal? Of course not. But this is Maryland and here, kids don't count. Or, should I say don't vote.

    In other Maryland Counties public school field trips, yes field trips, are FREE. Shocking.

  6. Frederick County Public Schools - Outdoor program - aligned with state curriculum, 2 days, no overnight, FCPS buses:

    "There is no charge to students for this program."

    Prince Georges County Public Schools: Outdoor Education 3 day overnight program is $1.75


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