
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Starr ups FY13 budget request to $46,052,899 over FY12

On January 25, 2012, Superintendent Joshua Starr released his latest FY 2013 Operating request.  The detailed memorandum to the Board of Education is below.
  • In this memo Superintendent Starr asks for an overall increase of $46,052,899 over the FY 12 MCPS Operating budget 
  • Starr states that there will be an increase in State aid of $28.5 million.
  • Increase of $93 in per pupil expenditures.
  • Alternate governance plans are proposed for Forest Oak Middle School and Neelsville Middle School 
  • Additional $221,021 for prekindergarten programs
  • $300,000 for a Gallup survey of staff
  • $825,000 for professional development for Curriculum 2.0 (aka Pearson/North Star)
Jan 25, 2012 Starr Operating Budget Request


  1. It appears any increase in the MCPS budget comes from following Maintence of Effort and state funding increases.

  2. What does an "Alternate governance plan" entail? Does anyone know?

  3. So an increase in anticipated funding is an excuse to skirt Maryland procurement law and award a NO BID $300,000 contract to Gallup?


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