
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

9NewsNow: Teachers And Staff Members File Civil Suit Against Principal Floyd Starnes And Montgomery County Board Of Education


  1. Based upon what the teacher said about her class, special needs parents need to be getting involved - sounds like some potential IDEA violations.

  2. As usual the Washington Post refuses to publish anything negative about MCPS or the current Board of Education. A search for 'Kemp Mill' or 'Floyd Starnes' yields nothing. Their big story on MoCo education and schools is about Beach Week. Thanks to Mr. Fred Hiatt and the editors at the Post, the Post can no longer be considered a newspaper of record.

  3. As usual the Board of Ed has done nothing. If you read the lawsuit, this is outrageous what Starnes got away with and the Board was fully aware. They need to be taken down and it's about time these teachers stand up to him. I'm a former parent and I could not handle the man's bullying ways. I can only imagine what these poor teachers endured. Some of these teachers were life long veterans and the best teachers my children had while at Kemp Mill. This man needs to be stopped and the Board needs to be held accountable.

    1. The Board of Education is elected by the TEACHERS' UNION APPLE BALLOT. These are the Board of Education members that that TEACHERS WANT. Each election, the teachers tell citizens who to vote for by their endorsement. Citizens follow the teachers' lead.
      The teachers' ALSO have a seat at the SECRET BUDGET TABLE. There all the major budget decisions are made. Deals are struck. All done outside of the public view. This is the back room, behind closed doors public school system that teachers' want. This is NOT what Maryland law calls for, but in Montgomery County, laws don't matter.

      If teachers' think there is a problem with how the elected Board of Education members handle their legal responsibilities then they need to review how these members have been chosen and how they have been endorsed. Because this is the system that teachers have endorsed and directed citizens to support.

  4. This would not have been allowed to go on so long at a potomac or Chevy chase school! I encourage everyone to read the full lawsuit! Suspected child abuse is involved and this needs more attention in the media!

  5. we reported it to CPS, to MCPS BOE, to the Police Department, to doctors (there was child abuse in the school), to the attorney general - no one would take any action to protect the children.
    let's see how the current lawsuit turns out.

  6. Maryland Circuit Court Case #360930V

    In his sworn deposition in mid-November, Starnes admitted to criminal and human violations. I just obtained a copy of this document at the courthouse. I am appalled. I am sending it to every news agency in the nation.

    Why hasn't the coalition done anything to remove this monster from KMES?

    1. Send us a copy of the document that you have obtained from the Courthouse.


      What do you think the "coalition" should do that ordinary citizens can't do?

    2. did you ever get a copy of this document?


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