
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Campaign Finance Reports for BOE Primary Candidates as of today

Click the link for each name to see the campaign finance reports filed to date for each of the Board of Education candidates.  
And, as we have suggested before, hum along to the Sesame Street tune "One of these things is not like the other" as you review the reports. See if you can spot the differences in the fundraising by the candidates. 

Board of Education At Large Candidates

Board of Education District 002 Candidates 

Ali, Saqib

Byrne, Susan (no report found to date)
Evans, Fred

Smondrowski, Rebecca 
(no report found to date)


  1. Is the one that's different the one with thousands of dollars in contributions from people in Georgia and Louisiana - Like Jeanne Ellinport?

  2. Ellinport and other people's money

  3. So let's see, a candidate who grew up in the South has a lot of contributions coming from that part of the country. Gee, that sure sounds sinister to me!

    Another candidate has much of his money coming from New York. Why no mention of him?

    Get a grip and stop with the conspiracy theories.

  4. Well what's the difference between the candidates then? Not a conspiracy theory, just a question.


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