
Monday, March 12, 2012

Is a Movement Afoot in Montgomery?

From Pete Tucker's blog, The Fightback: Reports from DC's Streets.

The scale [of the plan] has the giant hand of the developer on it.” – Kensington Town Council member Lydia Sullivan.

“Post-vote fabrication,” “hogwash,” “distasteful,” “disservice to the entire community,” “not correct,” “misrepresenting the position,” “categorically false,” “complete hogwash.” These were among the accusations leveled against Kensington Town Council member Lydia Sullivan by her colleagues at a Feb. 27 meeting.

“That’s nothing,” said Sullivan, who’s faced the threat of censure from her fellow council members. “This is what people who are fighting monied interests have to endure,” she told TheFightBack directly following the contentious meeting.


At meetings of the four-member Kensington Town Council, the mayor serves as chair, but only votes in the case of a tie. At the Feb. 27 meeting, Mayor Peter Fosselman held back from attacking Sullivan, despite the fact that he may have the most to lose if the Kensington Sector Plan isn’t approved in its present form.

The Washington Post noted: “[Fosselman] has championed a years-long effort to revitalize the town, writing open letters of support for the proposal and touting its benefits to residents. But even as he has urged the transformation of the town’s quaint commercial center, Fosselman has invested in three properties that would probably increase in value once redevelopment begins.”

“It’s not a conflict of interest, and it’s perfectly legal, and I’m not hiding anything,” Fosselman told the Post.

To read the entire article go here.

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