
Friday, March 30, 2012

Letter: School board members shouldn't owe allegiance to unions

I am impressed and somewhat alarmed at the media blitz financed by the MSEA and the HCEA promoting their candidates for the Howard County Board of Education. Given that it is the Board of Education who negotiates our teachers, salary, benefits and pensions (that will soon be correctly our obligation, not the state's, to fund), am I the only one who sees a fox guarding the henhouse issue here?
Given the next board may be making some very tough choices requiring that school funding be reduced so as to fund the obligations to the pension fund, I would prefer members with no particular allegiance...
The Baltimore Sun, Letter to the Editor: March 29, 2012 


  1. If someone has a problem with unions conducting a "media blitz" for their candidates, I suggest they contact the Supreme Court and ask them to reconsider the Citizen's United decision.

    1. Do unions have a problem with citizens writing letters to the editor and expressing their preferences? Review what you learned about freedom of speech.


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