
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Students make MCPS PR Dept. Irrelevant

The MCPS Public Relations Department has been felled by students.

Fulfilling Superintendent Joshua Starr's dream to get everyone on Twitter!
Students heard the call.
And they went to Twitter.  
And yesterday, they reported what they saw. In detail.
WTOP is reporting:  "Two teachers got into a fist fight in front of students on Friday at Roberto Clemente Middle School in Germantown, officials say."  
The story contains the usual public relations verbiage from the MCPS PR Department. 
But over on Twitter, the students are detailing the names of the teachers, who said what, why they got into a fight, what happened, who was stronger, and who "won" the fight. 
No more fluff MCPS can store sod in a shed for the winter cover-up Press Releases for MCPS.  
The truth squad has arrived.  
And they are over on Twitter.


  1. The MCPS PR machine certainly likes to cover up whatever it can.

    However, do you really expect a PR department to announce who won? Is this really news or important?

    People criticize this site as anti-MCPS. Commentary like this just gives them ammunition.

  2. @ Anonymous. Sorry you completely missed the point of this posting. While the MCPS Dept gave out no details, except that the teachers "apologized" to each other, students posted extensive details to Twitter.

    Students were in the position of on scene reporters and told it like it was.

    Twitter is Superintendent Starr's big push. Is this really what he wants to promote? On scene, play by play details of school incidents posted to Twitter by anonymous students?

    If the MCPS PR Department is irrelevant, then why do we keep precious Operating Budget funds in that office when those funds could pay for classroom teachers?

  3. @Anonymous Mar 10 12:16 PM, The MCPS PR department spends $10MILLION a year of your tax dollars. Parents' Coalition spends zero. No tax dollars involved. All volunteers here. As a contributor to this blog, we are not anti-MCPS. We are Pro Public.

  4. Teachers put on leave.

  5. Student arrested for assault with a BB gun @RC MS


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