
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Video: Delegate Kaiser public comment on 3rd version of HB 596

The anatomy of a bill.
The video below is of the March 8, 2012, House Ways and Means Committee Public Hearing on House Bill 596. The public hearing begins with Delegate Anne Kaiser explaining her 3rd version of this bill since the bill was first introduced just 32 days prior. 
For all blog posts on HB 596, please click here.

Minute index of public hearing video: 
0:50 Delegate Anne Kaiser submitted written public comment
2:00 Kaiser: "finding a little bit of relief on the professionals side"
2:50 Kaiser: "not doing bill that way, we are doing bill it this way"..."what I have to tell you is that we are even going another route, once again"..."I apologize for that"...
4:00 Kaiser:  "the letter you would have received from me a few weeks ago" (letter about amending bill to change window for reports around holidays)
4:45 Kaiser: "I've since learned we can't do that in terms of the federal law"...
5:05 Kaiser: ..."The changes that I am recommending would only impact the side of the school impact on parents...process smoother for those professionals..."
8:50 Kaiser:  "...parents always have the right with IEP meetings to cancel and reschedule..."  " a parent might say... "that's [speech therapist report] coming two days later?  I can wait. That's fine. I'm still fine and ready for the meeting""...
9:15  Kaiser: "problems with IEP process in general"..."incredible under staffing of [staff] in schools"...
10:20  Kaiser:  "...hope that this finds a balance in making life easier for our school professionals without adding any added burden to our parents..."
Questions from Delegates for Delegate Kaiser. [Good discussion - worth listening]
16:25 Delegate Glass: "...parents want more time not less time"
19:00 Joshua Rubin, teacher in MCPS
24:50  Amy Maloney, Maryland State Education Association (MSEA) [5 day rule and difficulties - 2,000 e-mails]
26:25  [teacher]
30:35  Bill Fluke, Maryland School Psychologists Association "...good idea to go back from 5 business to 5 calendar..."
35:39  Lauren Kallins, Maryland Disability Law Center

1 comment:

  1. Thanks very much Janis, for all the digging required to find this video and the work involved in posting it. Thanks for shedding light on a dark corner and onto the secrecy of Annapolis. The last day of the legislative session is April 9th. We will be paying attention. No more hiding. "Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants." Louis Brandeis, 1913.


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