
Monday, April 16, 2012

How did they do that?

Are you interested in a concert with Third Eye Blind and Timelines?

Sorry, only Wootton students or those connected to a Wootton student can attend this concert.

In an unprecedented partnership, for the second time, Wootton and B'Nai Brith Youth Organization are joining forces to bring this concert to your backyard.

Bring your picnic blankets and camp out on Frost Hill.

Wait, isn't BBYO a faith based organization?

You've got that one right. Here is what the organizers had to say at the first concert in 2008:

The event apparently was unique in another respect as well, according to Ian Kandel, program director of BBYO's D.C. Council. He said it was probably the first partnership in U.S. history between a faith-based organization and a public high school. For that reason, organizers strove to avoid First Amendment problems, in part, by consulting with the organization Americans United for the Separation of Church and State.

Wootton was chosen because many of its student leaders are also active BBYO participants, according to Kandel, who said the concert reflected a major change in BBYO's outreach philosophy.

The 84-year-old organization . . . is expanding its horizons in an attempt to engage greater numbers of unaffiliated and marginally affiliated Jewish students.

One way of doing that, Kandel explained, is by melding students' core interests (such as social justice-related activities) with the pop-culture scene via the presentation of "exciting social events" in secular venues, such as Wootton.

Thursday's concert culminated a weeklong campaign at the high school aimed at raising students' political awareness and encouraging them to get involved in worthwhile causes in the nonprofit sector.

So - here are my questions.

1. How are the costs and profits divided between MCPS and BBYO?
2. Who holds the liability insurance for the event and is responsible for any damage to Wootton's athletic stadium?
3. Are the permits in order?
4. What about security?
5. Did Americans United for the Separation of Church and State sign off on the 2012 concert?
and most important
6. Will our own Josh Starr be in attendance with all the political hotshots planning to attend?

Students will be arriving at Wootton by shuttle bus that day, so there should be plenty of onsite parking for tailgaters.

Watch those speed cameras on Wootton Parkway and see you on April 28 at Frost Hill.

Inquiring minds want to know - how did they do that?
Wootton High School Online Store



  1. Fields must be vacated by sundown


    Wootton Football stadium is not available for rental by the public

  3. Promo video for Wootton event

  4. Anyone can buy tickets - not a school limited event!ticketsandevents|c61v

  5. Look at the data they want to collect on attendees:

    Check Any Affiliations That Apply *

    Asian American Lead

    BB Perlman Camp


    BBYO Alumni/Family

    BBYO Connect

    Bikes for the World

    Camp Airy/Louise

    Campfire USA

    Capital Camps

    Charles E. Smith JDS

    D.C. Vote

    Interfaith Works!

    Jewish Student Union

    Junior State America

    Jewish Youth Philanthropy Institute

    League of Women Voters, MoCo

    Magen David

    MC Homeless Coalition



    Our Lady of Lourdes

    Sierra Club

    Susan G. Komen

    Tzofim (Israeli Scouts)


    Young Judaea
    Synagogue Affiliation (if applicable)

    How Did You Hear About TUNED IN? *

    If You're a Teen, Please Include the Following Info

    If You're a Teen, What Grade Are You in?

    If You're a Teen, What School Do You Go To?

    If You're an Adult, Please Include Info About the Teen Attending Tuned In

    What Grade is the Teen in?

    What School Does the Teen Attend?

  6. Well we know County laws won't apply to this event - look who is coming!

    Stay TUNED IN for a roster of guest speakers representing Independent voters, Democrats and Republicans!
    Confirmed: Councilman Phil Andrews, MD Attorney General Doug Gansler, Sen. Barbara Mikulski's Office, Romney for America Campaign and more.

  7. Another tidbit from the TunedIn site: (!press|c19rs)
    "Monday, April 16th through Wednesday, April 18th
    ​Wootton High School will temporarily pause all ongoing curriculums and spend three consecutive days teaching about issues relative to the 2012 Presidential and Congressional elections."


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parentscoalitionmc AT