
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

How our legislators in Annapolis operate behind closed doors

...Early Monday, most of the county’s delegation to the House of Delegates met in a closed-door meeting to discuss what they could get for the county as the General Assembly hashed out final details on the state budget, a tax package on high-income earners and a measure to build a full-fledged casino in Prince George’s County, state officials said.
“A bunch of us got together to say, ‘Hey, is this budget and tax package a good thing for Montgomery County? Can we ask for some of the things that our county needs?’” said one of the officials, who was granted anonymity to speak freely about matters that weren’t public. “And the conversation sort of went to, ‘Well, we haven’t done a good job of articulating our demands.’”
After the meeting, a one-page e-mail was circulated among state legislators that said the administration of County Executive Isiah Leggett (D) wanted money for Ride-On buses and small transportation projects and legislation that would allow the county to approve an ambulance fee that couldn’t be struck down by referendum....
Read full article on how Montgomery County legislators met behind closed doors in Annapolis on the last day of the legislative session to propose new legislation that had not been vetted through a public process.

1 comment:

  1. I have posted my responce to The Leggett Administrations actions on my facebook. I am very disappointed in the wasted actions of this administration.!/profile.php?id=1812107819


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