
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Accessory Apartments in Your Neighborhood!

The Montgomery County Planning Board is working on a new zoning ordinance that will allow attached and separate apartment buildings in residential neighborhoods all across the county. Yes, that would mean in your neighborhood, too.  Your neighbor -- or you! would be able to build an add-on or a separate apartment structure housing up to two new residential units.  An apartment-in-a-box in your backyard! Just think of it.  Currently these apartments require the builder to go through a public 'special exception' process with a public hearing at the Board of Appeals.  However, your Planning Board (appointed by your county council members) want to change that: why bother with a public process? Instead, let's have these apartments built 'by right.'  No discussion required.  No discussion of the additional parking spaces needed; additional classroom space needed; additional stress on infrastructure. Naw, why bother with those pesky questions?

Because of those pesky questions, the Planning Board has scheduled two meetings on Monday May 21st, please attend.  Originally these were to be 'Q&A' meetings.  But again, why bother with those pesky questions? Instead the Board has suddenly changed the format to an "open house" format with "stations."

DATE: Monday May 21
TIMES: 3:00 - 4:30 PM and 7-9 PM
LOCATION: Montgomery County Planning Board, 1st Floor Auditorium, 8787 Georgia Ave,. Silver Spring.  Metered parking in the rear.

Please attend -- make sure the Planning Board answers your questions.  And please let the County Council know what you think of new apartments in your neighborhood.  Email the council at And, here is the email for the Planning Board:

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