
Monday, May 7, 2012

Any contracts to go with $1.9 million to one company?

The Board of Education likes to spend money.  Details just get in the way.  

At the May 8, 2012, Board of Education meeting the following expenditures will be approved without discussion.  
Details? None needed.  
Contracts? Why do things differently than in the past? (Just because the Agenda items "says" there are contracts, doesn't mean there actually are contracts. Don't be fooled!)

9161.3 Athletic Field Renovation—Extension**
Walker Willis/T/A Custom Masonry $750,000

9697.1 Safety Rails—Work Platforms Projects—Extension**
Walker Willis/T/A Custom Masonry $550,000

9701.1 Specialty Cementitious Coatings at Various Locations—Extension**
Walker Willis/T/A Custom Masonry $600,000


  1. Of course there will be contracts. Contracts are usually signed by both parties after expenditures have been authorized, which is what the Board of Education agreed to do at this meeting

    1. Sorry Charlie! No contracts! We have asked for contracts before and found NUMEROUS MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR procurement deals that didn't have any contracts.

      Promethean Boards for one!
      Security cameras for another!

      "Per your request" is not a written contract:

      The BOE didn't actually approve any contracts today, they just approved the spending of money. Guess the heading on the agenda item fooled you.

      But if you are so sure there is a written contract between this company and MCPS that spells out what these funds are paying for, make it public. We will post it.

      We'll wait.

  2. Here's another one. And to quote MCPS: "There is no contract."

    Just shop 'til you drop spending.


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