
Monday, May 14, 2012

Open Meetings Massachusetts Style

Here is an interesting news item brought to you from one of my favorite MCPS alums, who continues to follow this blog from a distance.

Massachusetts is trying to put some meat into its Open Meetings Act

Imagine.  A $1000 fine every time a public body violates the Open Meetings Act. 

The problem with the Maryland Open Meetings Act is the lack of a remedy.  Sure, the Montgomery County Board of Education and other public bodies look pretty foolish when they keep on violating the act.  Press coverage helps to let the public know how their tax dollars are working - or rather, not working.

Martha Coakley wants to put more substance into the Massachusetts Open Meetings Act, and is proposing to issue fines of $1000 for every violation.

Here is the text of Ms. Coakley's proposal. 

Massachusetts Definition of Intentional Violation Regulation A special thanks to my source who obviously learned about civic engagement when he was enrolled in MCPS.