
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Attending BOE Off Camera Meeting? Send us your notes.

If you attend the Board of Education's Off Camera June 20, 2012 meeting at Richard Montgomery High School, please take notes.  Even if you just stop by for a few minutes, jot down the discussion and send it to us.  We will post your notes on this blog.  Your brief notes may be the most we will ever know about what goes on at this all day Board of Education meeting!

Send your notes to:  contact AT

In the alternative, if you are a Twitter user, you can tweet notes from the meeting!  


  1. Another idea. You attend the meeting and take your own notes.

    1. Thanks Apple Ballot union rep. No worries. The public showed up at the meeting and so did the press. Your Apple Ballot elected officials tried to hide, but the public and press followed them to their hiding place.


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parentscoalitionmc AT