
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Board Makes Policy, Superintendent Changes It

Isn't that how things work in Montgomery County?

On Monday, June 25, 2012, the Board of Education voted on the tuition rate for out of county students that want to attend MCPS in FY 2013.

However, the previous superintendent had already issued a regulation that carves out an exception to the Board of Education Policy.  (See below pages 6-7) 

The Board sets a tuition rate for all out of county students.  But without any approval by the Board, the Superintendent quietly made a decision to give a 50% discount to MCPS employees who live outside of Montgomery County. 

So if an MCPS employee lives outside of Montgomery County and puts their child in a Montgomery County Public School, they will only pay half of the tuition rate as set by the Board of Education.  This perk is not in the Teachers' Union contract or the SEIU contract, and not in Board Policy.  It's tucked away in a Regulation created by the Superintendent. 

Can the Superintendent do that with a regulation?  Just usurp Board Policy? What Core Value does this represent?


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