
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Brickyard Coalition

The latest press release from the Brickyard Coalition, is here.  From the Press Release, below:

"The County has claimed in affidavits filed in Circuit Count that, among other relevant documents, they cannot find a letter from Ike Leggett to the Board of Education (BOE) dated November 10, 2009, requesting a lease of the Brickyard property even though copies of this letter also was sent to Tim Firestine, David Dise and Gabe Albornoz.  All of the copies, the original letter, the electronic Word documents, notes, and drafts, et cetera, have “gone missing” according to the County.  Also missing is the BOE response sent to Leggett in December of 2009.

Contradicting the County’s unbelievable claim of five months of missing documents is the fact that in March of 2011 the County was able to find and provide a copy of these same two missing letters to Janis Sartucci of the Parent’s Coalition, which was provided by Patrick Lacefield, Director of Communication for the County.  See attached affidavit and emails.  But a mere eight months later these letters and the related records are missing.  The County also failed to provide copies of the Sartucci emails from Lacefield."

Brickyard Coalition Press Release June 14, 2012

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