
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Examiner: MontCo to revise school site selection process

"I understand that public input is going to be an integral part [of the changes]. It should have been an integral part all along, but I'm not here to bash or criticize you, so I'll try to avoid doing that," said Councilman Marc Elrich, D-at large. "I don't know why all of a sudden we've discovered the Maryland Open Meetings law. It's been in place for decades, and I don't know why it would be a sudden decision: 'Oh yes, we'll comply with the law, wouldn't that be something worth trying?' "
Read full article at this link.


  1. "...wouldn't that be something worth trying?" Yes it would, Councilmember Elrich. How about trying it out with the Artificial Turf work group report, which was set up to skirt that law. No time like the present, as they say.

  2. I can't make ANY sense out of that article.

    This is an MCPS work group? Still advising? So why is it stated that changes WILL be made? And why are all the quotes from the County Council and not from the BOE? When, where and why did the County Council weigh in on the working group?

    Is the working group done? What are its full recommendations? When will the BOE/MCPS make a decision?

    I am continuing aghast about how poor--and harmful--local journalism has become in this town.

  3. So has anything been decided yet, as far as the whole site selection process goes? And is there a followup / update to this post somewhere? Thanks.

  4. Hi Jack, I hate to burst your bubble but based on my experience with this county government, "the whole site selection process" was decided many years ago. This is just window dressing. I doubt if things will change unless the voters and the campaign donors require it. Mostly the campaign donors. So far, again, my experience, they don't.


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