
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Exclusive Video: Board of Education and County Council Lunch Meeting July 24, 2012

Minute 10:30 - Starr, "We have essentially cornered the market on the academic piece."
Minute 36:00 - Leventhal, "I do think culture is really important...we have very different cultures...9 independent cats...
Minute 41:00 - Ervin, "...We have to work together, too..."
Minute 41:46 - Elrich, "Count me cynical...lots of lofty statements..."

Around the table, starting to the left of the camera:

George Leventhal - Council
Phil Kauffman  - BOE
Christopher Barclay - BOE
Laura Berthiaume  - BOE
Joshua Starr, Superintendent
Shirley Brandman - BOE
John Mannes -  BOE student member
Phil Andrews - Council
Craig Rice - Council
Marc Elrich  - Council
Roger Berliner - Council
Hans Riemer - Council
Nancy Floreen  - Council
Patricia O'Neill - BOE
Valerie Ervin  - Council
Michael Durso  - BOE
Nancy Navarro - Council

Absent:  Judy Docca - BOE


  1. Did you get on videotape the part where the staff person called the members of the public "peons?"

  2. There is clear disconnect between the Board of Education and the County Council. Nancy Floreen accused the superintendent of speaking in code. Marc Elrich compared it to other educational lingo present at the local level. And George Leventhal was on the money when he described the huge difference s in cultures between the two bodies, characterized by the Board of Education’s inclination to show unity and back the Superintendent at the expense of everything else, while the County Council must balance many interests. In my view, the insular culture of our Board of Education makes any initiatives to improve and refine their core values meaningless.

    The County Council often points out the shortcomings of the current system, but one doubts whether they will ever do anything about it. Let’s hope they find the political courage to do so.

    I look forward to watching the discussion on these issues tomorrow when the Board discusses the core values of their strategic plan at the meeting at Richard Montgomery HS.

    Danuta Wilson


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