
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Let's Read! Let's Move!

Parents’ Coalition was honored to be invited to the Department of Education’s annual summer event, Let’s Read! Let’s Move! which took place this past week, on July 11th.  The event started off with games, with the kids all playing 'Simon Says,' and 'Hot Potato,'  Then we all settled down and listened to a few good books.  US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan (left in photo) hosted special guests Samuel Kass (center in photo), WH Chef, and the Obamas’ trainer, Cornell McClellan (right in photo).  Chef Kass read, ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar,’ and Mr. McClellan read ‘Froggy Learns to Swim’ to the children.  Mr. McClellan stressed how important it is that everyone know how to swim.  Afterwards the kids all had lots of questions.  To Chef Kass: what is your favorite meal? His answer: spaghettis and tacos.  What is his favorite food? Vegetables! Lots and lots of vegetables. And some fish.  Both Sec Duncan and Mr. McClellan echoed that. Vegetables! was the word of the day.  Chef Kass emphasized that it takes a long time to learn a skill and involves lots of failures.  You just need to keep working at it.  What does he like to cook? 'Green beans, corn, fish, foods that are in season.'   Other questions were, what exercises does Mr. McClellan do with the Obamas? His answer, ‘lots of different kinds of exercises.  Jump rope, jumping jacks, and boxing.’  He said, 'it's important to just move.  Almost any activity you do' is exercise.  Also, sports is another way of getting exercise, and the Obamas play all different kids of sports, like basketball, soccer, and swimming.  And, how much exercise should we do? Answer: at least 30 minutes every day.  So, go for it!

After reading and talking about the books, we all went outside to play games like relay races, and basketball.  Thanks to Target, all the kids chose a book to take home, and received a backpack with snacks and treats.  A special shout-out to Target, which is focused on early childhood learning and reading.

What fun! Thanks so much to Michelle Draughn and Juliette Rizzo for working so hard to organize this event and getting the message across to our children: Let’s Read! And Let’s Move!

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