
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Rosemary Hills will assign students to classes based on neighborhood for 2012-2013 school year.

A boundary change is coming for the BCC Cluster in 2013-2014.  In the meantime, one principal is putting children from the same neighborhood into classes for the 2012-2013 school year.  
UPDATED July 2  for Rosemary Hills Elementary Parents: 
The RHPS [Rosemary Hills Primary School] principle is amenable to ensuring East Bethesda students who will go on to attend BE [Bethesda Elementary] will have some other BE [Bethesda Elementary] bound students in their classes for the 2012-2013 school year.  
Parents who noted they lived in East Bethesda on kindergarten orientation forms will be placed with some other East Bethesda students.  Parents of Grade 1 and 2 students, and kindergarten parents who did not indicate East Bethesda residency at orientation, who would like to be placed with other East Bethesda students should forward the request in writing to RHPS Principle Ms. Debbie Ryan(  

UPDATE July 19, 2012 12:30 PM:  Someone edited the wording of this website page after we posted this paragraph.  So, for our readers, below is the screen shot of the original webpage that we took when the above paragraph was posted.  The words after the red update have now been changed on the website. The original July 2nd paragraph started with "The RHPS Principal is..."  and was posted above.  You can go to the actual website at the link above and see what they have posted now, but who knows, it may be changed again or deleted.


  1. Why not include the ENTIRE paragraph, instead of the partial paragraph that you posted? for those interested, here's the ENTIRE paragraph:

    UPDATED July 2 for Rosemary Hills Elementary Parents: RHPS will continue to maintain heterogeneous, balanced classes. Given the boundary change affecting articulation to Bethesda Elementary School, RHPS will be sensitive to the concerns of parents who are affected by the change and will try to ensure transitioning students will have some of their peers who will also transition to Bethesda Elementary School in their class. The RHPS principle is amenable to ensuring East Bethesda students who will go on to attend BE will have some other BE bound students in their classes for the 2012-2013 school year. Parents who noted they lived in East Bethesda on kindergarten orientation forms will be placed with some other East Bethesda students. Parents of Grade 1 and 2 students, and kindergarten parents who did not indicate East Bethesda residency at orientation, who would like to be placed with other East Bethesda students should forward the request in writing to RHPS Principle Ms. Debbie Ryan(

    Guess it wouldn't cause the commotion you're trying to create by posting something out of context. How's your side job writing political ads coming along?

    1. Wow. Nice try, but we have a screen shot of the original web page. What you have posted is new. You wouldn't work for MCPS, now would you?

      We'll add the screen shot to the blog post so that the PUBLIC can see that this web page has been manipulated to cover for MCPS administrators.

    2. The blog post has now been updated to note that the original paragraph posted to this neighborhood website has been changed. Someone has edited the paragraph to attempt to change the meaning.

      I believe the current term for this is EPIC FAIL.

  2. Odd that the spelling of "principal" is incorrect ....


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