
Friday, July 27, 2012

Starr Signs Teen Dating Peace Order MOU

In February 2012, the State Department of Juvenile Services, the Sheriffs Office, State's Attorney's Office, and the Montgomery County Public Schools entered into an MOU [Memorandum of Understanding] to support the Domestic Violence Coordinating Council's effort to facilitate access to Peace Orders for teen victims of domestic violence when the perpetrator is a minor. The MOU establishes protocols that will direct the exchange of information among the agencies in order to address teen dating violence and reduce the risk of violence for Montgomery County youth.

Under the MOU, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) is responsible for:

• A MCPS designee will review peace orders involving teen dating violence and provide notification to the appropriate designee at the petitioner's and or respondent's schools.
• A MCPS designee will apprise students and parents, if appropriate of community resources regarding teen dating violence.
• MCPS administrator or, designee may assist students with the Peace Order application and submission to DJS via electronic scan of the petition when appropriate.
• The MCPS designee at each schoof will initiate coordination of the school's
response, if any to the teen dating violence incident.

1 comment:

  1. Give me a break. "Teen dating violence"? Don't they have anything else to worry about?


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