
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Whom do you trust?

County Council committee continues talks on school system finances. 
 Ervin: More information to be required in monthly financial reports.
 by Jen Bondeson Staff Writer. Gazette, Wednesday, July 25, 2012
When the Montgomery County Council’s Education Committee meets on Thursday, they will talk about how they can more closely monitor Montgomery County Public Schools spending, Councilwoman Valerie Ervin said. The committee might ask the Office of Legislative Oversight to look further into the school system’s financial reporting, she said. The committee has in the past relied on the school board to go through the details of the budget and then trusted the board to relay information to the council in a clear and concise way, without hiding anything, she said. “We found out that that was wrong,” she said.
To read the whole Gazette article, CLICK HERE.


  1. Councilmember Ervin,

    You were on the Board of Education. You knew exactly what was going on when you came to the Council.
    This is not news for you.

  2. My first reaction is the same. She was on the BOE for years and didn't complain at all about the way the system was setup. Now that she's on the Council and likely looking for higher office this is a concern. Would be funny if it wasn't so hypocritical.

  3. Trust no one. Deny everything. The truth is out there. ~ X-Files


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