
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Board President wants 2 1/2 Hour Closed Session Today

That's a lot that the Montgomery County Board of Education doesn't want you to hear about.  Remember Closed Sessions are a choice. They aren't required.  In fact, the preference in Maryland law is for Open meetings of public bodies.  In order to go in to a Closed Session, the Board has to take a public vote.  The August 23, 2012 vote is scheduled for 9 AM.

The Board President wants the door closed for 2 1/2 hours!

On the proposed Closed Session Agenda is "receive legal advice on various litigation matters pending in the Montgomery County Circuit Court."  That one item alone will probably take up the bulk of the 2 1/2 hours.  The Board of Education is involved in a number of lawsuits in the Circuit Court.  Why so much litigation?  Why so much behind closed doors? 


  1. Since this has become such a huge issue for them you should keep a running talley on your home page on the number of known "closed sessions" they have had. Maybe itemize what the known subjects of the meetings were if possible. I'd love to know for the sake of the upcoming elections to the BOE, and in the future. How many, thus far, in 2012, 2011, 2010, etc.

    1. The BOE schedules a Closed session for every single meeting, whether they need it or not.
      But, since Superintendent Joshua Starr came to town, the Closed Sessions and off-site "retreat"/"work sessions" have dramatically increased.

      For example, today is an ALL DAY BOE meeting. They are supposed to have a certain number of all day meetings. Here's how "all day" is going to work today. 2 1/2 hour Closed Session - 2 hour Open Session - Then off camera for 3 hours of work session.

      The total amount of Open Session on video for the public to view today will be from 11:40 AM to 1:40 PM.

      The BOE will be eating lunch - most likely you will be paying for the buffet - as part of their off camera day. You probably paid for a breakfast buffet this morning. And, for all we know, they will head to a local restaurant after the afternoon session and treat themselves to dinner on the taxpayers!

  2. Please share your views with your lawmakers to get teeth for the Open Meetings Act and Open Meetings Compliance Board to protect us from repeat Open Meetings Act violators. The Act is oriented toward citizens taking action and not the compliance board or attorney general, but most members of the public don't have the time or $$$$ to take a public body to court.

  3. Obviously they were being briefed on the "Kemp Mill" litigation.

  4. or the Brickyard issues.

  5. or Farquhar Middle School...

  6. or the condemnation litigation that the Board of Education has instituted against a private citizen and Montgomery County. Yes, the BOE is currently suing Montgomery County.


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