
Friday, August 24, 2012

School system approves $625,000 in outside help

Gazette:  School system may change way it litigates special education cases
...After discussion, the full board approved $625,000 for the upcoming school year for contractors who will provide the legal services; that cost includes the attorney fees as well as other legal costs, which may include parent reimbursements or tuition settlements, Richardson said.
The school system now has 10 open special education cases, five of which are awaiting hearings and five of which are continuing from last year, Richardson said.
The school system had 11 hearings last year, she said...

1 comment:

  1. For a dozen cases, one in house attorney should be assigned! Some of those cases could be settled with a redesigned dispute resolution process. The outside attorneys have no motivation to do so. In fact, they begin the litigious process early in the game when they start attending IEP meetings. Also, special education administrators, who can make decisions, are not in attendance at the IEP meetings.


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