
Monday, August 27, 2012

State BOE Dumps MABE Membership

Bravo to the Maryland State Board of Education!  
They have dropped their $10,000 a year membership in the private club for Boards of Education known as the Maryland Association of Boards of Education (MABE)!  
Remember, the MCPS Board of Education paid $48,062 in dues to this club in Fiscal Year 2012.
Below is the memo from MABE announcing that the Maryland State Board of Education will no longer be participating in this club.  The memo says that all of the other club members have to increase their dues to make up for the State Board dropping out. 

It's your tax dollars, do you think that they should be spent on a private club for BOE members, or should your tax dollars go to fund teachers, textbooks and classrooms?  Maybe the MCPS Board of Education should drop their membership in this private club too? 

State Board of Education Drops MABE Membership

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