
Thursday, September 6, 2012

$89.1 million = 1 new high school

Gazette:  New Paint Branch High School building opens in Burtonsville

...There is a greenhouse, a pharmacy and a state-of-the-art, fully-digitalized television production studio...


  1. That cost cannot be right. At the White Flint Sector meetings it was clear that the developers would cover the cost of the new required elementary school, and the amount they would be paying is $40M. or was it $20M? Funny how these numbers keep changing. In any case, nowhere near $89.1M. And of course the residents do not need a new elementary school without the developments. Every member of the council voted to approve the WF Sector Plan. Every single one.

    1. The cost is right, and is actually lower than original projections due to the downturn in the economy. Construction costs were down when the BOE locked them in. The original cost was over $100 million.

      You seriously cannot compare a high school, with core capacity of 2,400 students to an elementary school?

    2. "locked them in"

      Sorry, you are dreaming. The BOE doesn't lock anything in when it comes to construction. They put out millions and millions of dollars to construction companies without any bids or contracts. Changes are made way AFTER the BOE approval of the project. Money flows like water.

    3. Here's one: produce the contract for Walker Willis.

      We'll wait.

    4. WF resident here who is thrilled that the sector plan was approved. This is a semi urban area walking distance to a metro station that can and should be built out! What do you prefer, a moratorium on development in MoCo? Yeah, that'd be great for future job growth!

    5. @ Anonymous - You must have missed all of the empty office space, strip malls, and buildings in Montgomery County. It is a proven fact that Montgomery County Planners don't have a clue what they are doing.

      Public School children have been in portable classrooms for over 25 years. Our "planners" haven't figured out how to get the kids we have in buildings. They certainly haven't figured out how to plan the development in the county.

      Next time you post, sign your real name if you are so thrilled. It's hard to imagine "thrilled" citizens that don't have names.

  2. The school has a pharmacy program. It goes along with the medical careers program, which the school also has.

  3. Why isn't the Pharmacy program at Edison High School where all county students can participate?

    Can any MCPS student transfer in to Paint Branch High School?

  4. @Anonymous Sept 6 2:02pm, at WF, the county will have to purchase the ES property. That was one of the reasons the council and Planning Board punted on the location. In addition, I understand Tilden MS on Old Georgetown will be transformed into a high school. So, yeah, I am comparing.

    1. You are comparing apples to oranges.

  5. Why aren't you asking that question about all the high schools in MoCo, where you will find unique programs just at that one school? Seriously, this sounds to me like the rich west county being jealous of the poorer east county having something you don't. Can anyone transfer into Churchill? Or Walter Johnson? Or Wootton?

    Did anyone complain when the west county schools were modernized?

    Our kids in east county are just as deserving of opportunities and modern facilities as yours are.

  6. When were the "west county schools" modernized?

    Please name the specialized programs that you think exist.

    But the bottom line is that was a whole lot of words to not answer the question? Can anyone transfer into Paint Branch to take advantage of this specialized program? Pharmacy - that's a really specific program. Why was it put at Paint Branch?


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