
Friday, September 21, 2012

[BOE Election] Patch: Chicago Nightmares for Montgomery County

...The MCEA (the Apple Ballot's authors) are increasingly no longer representing the interests of most teachers or students.
For teachers, the MCEA is fighting a rear-guard action to hang on to a benefits structure that will benefit few, if any of the younger teachers. There simply is not enough money to support the promises that have been made. Instead of facing up to facts, the MCEA is using scare tactics to hold onto a benefit for the few without looking out for the future of the many.
For students, it is worse. The Apple Ballot no longer is a document that represents the interests of the students. To hang on to the last few years of an unsustainable system, MCPS has had to make staff cuts and increase class size. The impact on today’s students is terrible...

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