
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Breaking News: Starr Hires Pal, No BOE Vote?

MCPS is sporting a new Associate Superintendent! The MCPS Office of Shared Accountability  website shows that Susan F. Marks, recently in Norwalk, CT, recently on Superintendent Joshua Starr's Transition team, and previously in MCPS working for Superintendent Jerry Weast, is the new Associate Superintendent for that department.

But, when did the Board of Education vote on this appointment?  Maybe, Board votes aren't really that important and Starr has decided to just skip that step? 

UPDATE: The MCPS website has now been edited since the screen shot from this morning that is shown above in this blog posting.  
When you click on the MCPS link to the Office of Shared Accountability, we have no idea what will be shown.  
Our screen shot shows the page the way it existed this morning. MCPS may continue to edit the page as the day progresses.


  1. ha ha. cute. and here is the definition of 'acountability' from

    ac·count·a·bil·i·ty   /əˌkaʊntəˈbɪlɪti/ Show Spelled[uh-koun-tuh-bil-i-tee] Show IPA
    1. the state of being accountable, liable, or answerable.
    2. Education . a policy of holding schools and teachers accountable for students' academic progress by linking such progress with funding for salaries, maintenance, etc.

  2. I don't know if I'm going to complain about this one. Normally, I would. However, ANY PERSON Starr picks up has got to be better than the self serving crew that Weast left behind.
    Up above on comment 1: Why is it that teachers are the only ones in the entire district that are held accountable? It seems that if you work for MCPS, and you're not a teacher, you can do just about anything you want, even if it's illegal.
    It's a good thing that we have the MC Parents Coalition. Starr would probably be ordering Two promethean boards for every classroom!! One just wouldn't be enough.

    1. I apologize if I was not clear in this blog posting. Susan Marks was an MCPS administrator. She was a Weast administrator. She moved to Connecticut to become a Superintendent. Starr was superintendent in the next Connecticut town over. Then Starr came here and brought her back.

      So, Marks is a hire of Weast and Starr.

  3. @Anonymous sept 12 9:30 pm, I am not sure teachers are the only ones held accountable, however, teachers elect and support their MCEA leadership. It is the MCEA, consisting of teachers, who are one of the very few parties at the secret budget table deciding how to spend taxpayers' $2.1Billion annual budget, and it is teachers in the MCEA who tap the candidates that run and it is teachers who choose endorsements for the apple ballot and hand out those paper apples on election day. So, should teachers be held accountable? Yes.

  4. Okay. So, what you are saying is that not only do we have Weast's current (ie. in place when Weast left) staff in place, but now Starr is picking up Weast's former staff to add to Weast's current staff who are presently running MCPS. What's Starr's job? Other than making sure that Weast's former and current staff are firmly planted in our district to continue Weast's dictatorial, self-centered methods of rule, I don't understand what he is doing as superintendent. I know he's very big on social/emotional development. Why is he keeping these people in place? Their actions are the complete antithesis of encouraging one's social and emotional development. So confusing.
    Thanks for the clarification, I think.

  5. Paula,
    Some teachers should be held accountable. Not all teachers agree with what MCEA is doing, however. MCEA surrounds itself with "YES" people. The teachers in MCPS are very aware of this.
    I'm an American, but I don't hold myself accountable for what George Bush did with NCLB, nor do I hold myself accountable for many other actions that he took while in office.
    Teachers who question what is going on in education are being targeted. Many have left the profession. We have a broken system.

    1. Your analogy to George Bush is in no way relevant to this situation. The Montgomery County Teachers' Union - MCEA - has a SEAT at the secret MCPS Operating Budget table. Unless you had a seat at the George Bush White House meetings, there is no comparison.

      Montgomery County Teachers have a DIRECT role in setting the MCPS Operating Budget. They are being directly represented by their 2 Union officials that sit at the secret budget table.

      MCEA tours the USA touting the success of this partnership. The public doesn't get a seat at that table, and doesn't even get to observe the deliberations of the secret group. But, teachers, you all have a direct say.

      The 2,000 Promethean Boards have been ordered without bids, without contracts and at the highest price possible because you support that spending.

      If the system is broken, it's your Union that is breaking it. In Montgomery County, the public isn't even at the table. That's your choice. This blog brings as many things to light as possible. We hear from people ever week who send us issues and concerns. But, we aren't at the secret budget table, the teachers are. Your choice, your responsibility.

  6. @Anonymous 9/13, 5:55PM, We differ in that I DO hold myself responsible for what GWB does in office. I am a citizen in a democracy and it is MY responsibility what my government does. This is not, or at least it should not be, a kingdom where King Ike or King Josh decide personally through noblesse oblige for example, that their peons should stand in line for 4 hours to receive 2 $30 backpacks. That is really sick. That is MY responsibility, that this happens. I take it personally.

    Regarding MCEA "surrounding itself;" There is no "itself." The MCEA leadership consist of people with names, people who are elected by members of the MCEA, i.e., teachers. Where the hell are these teachers if they don't like what MCEA is doing? I grew up with public school union teachers in my family. They stood up. They went on strike. They looked carefully at every contract and made their voices heard. Other family members in other unions got the you-know-what beat out of them. But they stood up. They risked their jobs, they risked getting arrested, they risked losing their livelihood and salaries. Where are those teachers in MCEA? So, long story short, EVERY teacher is and should be held accountable for MCEA.

  7. @Anonymous, one more thought: you wrote, "Teachers who question what is going on in education are being targeted." Can some of these teachers post here, anonymously if they want? People would like to know. Have teachers considered starting a new organization and calving off from MCEA? Thanks.

  8. I agree with much of what you are saying. Teachers have been targeted, and I am one of them. Several of us have been documenting our interactions with the union and admin. for several years.
    We take all of this very personally. Those of us, who have not resigned or retired, continue to walk into our classrooms and do the very best that we can for our children, with great effort to minimize or alleviate damage brought on or condoned by admin and MCEA.
    I am sorry for my ignorance, regarding the secret budget table. Who are the teachers at the secret budget table and how were they chosen to sit at the secret budget table? If you do not know, I will call the union Tuesday and ask.
    I am going to send you an article, recently published in NEA Today. Please find time to read the article and the 500+ comments posted by teachers so that you will have additional information with regard to teachers in Montgomery County and the nation, who are standing up to corrupt Admins and their unions.
    Parents and Teachers ( who are willing to stand up) have to find a way to connect and do this together. Of course, Teachers who talk with parents in an honest manner about issues within their school are then targeted as being "unprofessional". I'm not complaining about this, but I am letting you know what happens when a teacher attempts to stand up and tell the truth. Please read the article and offer any insight that you can. I look forward to working with this coalition for our children in this county. We all know they deserve better.

  9. Susan Marks was in Norwalk, CT, not Stamford.


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