
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Get One of Our Billionaires to Do That!

by Joseph Hawkins
Recently, Montgomery County Public Schools held a back-to-school fair where it gave away free backpacks pre-loaded with school supply goodies.
Click here to read coverage of the fair in The Washington Post:
I like these kinds of giveaway events. The MCPS backpack giveaway, nonetheless, made me wonder about a few things. 
First, did MCPS do any eligibility screening?...


  1. Long lines make for better PR photos! MCPS doesn't care who gets the backpacks, need was not a criteria. Anyone who was willing to stand in a line was what the MCPS PR Department was going for! And, they got it. Students from anywhere, from public or private schools, could all get in line. As long as the line formed for the photo opportunity, it didn't matter if the backpacks where going to those in need, or even to private school students.

  2. What I don't understand is why arent't the supplies given to the schools? I get kids need supplies at school too but with teachers expressing need for supplies for the classroom wouldn't it make more sense?

    1. Where is the PR value in that? Please. A long line of people makes for the best picture! The point is the picture, not the program.

      The Apple Ballot folks have already agreed that MCPS teachers should purchase their own classroom supplies. Teachers love being able to use their personal money for class supplies. It's what they demand through their participation in their union.

  3. I read the article. Outrageous that people had to stand in line for 4 hours. I thought Montgomery county was full of liberal, progressive citizens. Treating people like that is sick. These kids should get their backpacks when they come to school the first day. And, there is plenty of money for MCPS to have figured out who most of the FARMS kids are and have their backpacks ready. Also, plenty of willing volunteers and donors to pay for the backpacks and hand them out to each school front office before school begins. A sick, sick publicity stunt so that King Josh can exercise some kind of noblesse oblige. It doesn't look good, Josh. It's a democracy, not a kingdom.

  4. I agree with Paula. Absolutely DISGUSTING! King Josh's job is all PR - photo ops, visiting schools, and tweeting. I have two more years of MCPS, and I am done. Pretty pathetic that I cannot wait for my kids to finish their education in this terrible system.


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