
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

MCCPTA Support of No Bid Promethean Board Procurement

The following e-mail from the MCCPTA President was forwarded to the Parents' Coalition.  As a reminder, the MCCPTA President has a seat at the secret MCPS Operating Budget meetings
All: Wanted to share with you some information on the technology proposal the Board of Education reviewed and approved at its meeting this week. Briefly, if MCPS receives approval from the County Council, every school in the county would be outfitted with wireless networks and all elementaries would have Prometheans in all classrooms by the start of the next school year.  Here is the story that ran in with more detail. 

From our MCCPTA Summer Area meetings in June, it was clear that access to technology for every child was a core concern of PTAs and parents from every corner of our county.  This initiative seeks to eliminate discrepancies between schools, and create an equitable, consistent base of technology across our school system. Stay tuned.

Janette Gilman
MCCPTA President


  1. I love how the President takes a stand without a vote from her members. Great dictatorship.

  2. As an active PTA member that attends every PTA meeting and a parent in two Bethesda schools, one of them with only a single Promethean Board, I am very surprised by this statement. I have yet to meet a single parent concerned about the lack of Promethean Boards. Every time the topic of whiteboards is discussed it is only because MCPS (principal) raises it. Doesn’t the County PTA President know what our priorities are? For her information Promethean Boards are Dr. Starr's priorities.

  3. This reminds me of when John Q. Porter, as MCPS CIO under Weast, purchased nearly $1M of PDAs from his own company (also a no bid deal) and made hundreds of thousands of dollars at the expense of taxpayers. MCPS did nothing. Porter left MCPS shortly thereafter, and with strong endorsements from MCPS/Weast, became the Superintendent of Schools for Oaklahoma County, Oaklahoma. Porter resigned after acusations of criminal misconduct, however, Porter covered his tracks well enough not to go to jail. Where's the Washington Post with what used to be good investigative journalism?


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