
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Please for the sake of the education system, look elseware and bid it out!!!

The Parents' Coalition received the following comment.  Apparently, this person doesn't understand that we are MONTGOMERY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS and money flows like water.  We don't need no competitive bidding!  We have tons of cash and spend as our hearts desire.  That's how we do things here! 
Am I reading this right, you are paying $8.9 million dollars for 2000 boards? That is insane! You can get the same amount of Polyvision boards for probably half that amount. I wish we had this type of money to just throw away.. This is the reason for bids, you will get other vendors to supply you with competative quotes and also compatable technology. Polyvision IWB's are made in USA, they have open architecture, there is a FOREVER surface warranty, and they are half the price! Please for the sake of the education system, look elseware and bid it out!!!

1 comment:

  1. The commenter does not understand that the education system, like the rest of the county government, is not run for the kids; or for the citizens. It is run to hand out favors to cronies. Here is one example: County Executive Ike Leggett gave Steve Silverman the job of head of the county Department of Economic Development. The purpose of that job, and that department, is to bring jobs to the county. Mr. Silverman has no experience in that field and as a result the number of jobs created is thousands, if not tens of thousands, less, than in our neighboring counties, like Fairfax County. However, Mr. Leggett has stated that he gave the job to Mr. Silverman in a 'deal' they cut whereby Mr. Silverman would not run against Mr. Leggett in the last election, in exchange for that job, a well-paying job, I would add. So, in order to win re-election, Mr. Leggett sacrificed thousands of jobs that otherwise could have gone to Montgomery County. And that's how that works.


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