
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Special Education Advisory Committee Meeting. All welcome!

Thursday,  September 27th  7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
      Montgomery County Public Schools 
     Carver Building - Room 127
850 Hungerford Drive
Rockville, MD 
      Babysitting provided

                 Discussion of the new 2.0 cirriculum.
                 Parents will be able to ask questions.

                 Public Testimony at the beginning of the meeting.
                 Any parent wishing to give public testimony please bring 5 copies
                    of your testimony. Parents have 5 minutes.
                 Updates from Gwen Mason, Director of Special Education in MCPS
and Chris Richardson, Associate Superintendent in MCPS.
        Everyone is welcome to attend.

Joan Sabaka
SEAC Co-chair

Anne Turner
SEAC C0-chair

Amuthan Kannan
SEAC Co-chair

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