
Friday, September 28, 2012

Superintendent Starr Tweets this is a "Must read."

This is the article that Superintendent Starr sends out to his Twitter followers
 ...The mass purchase of devices for schools is happening way too often without conversations with educators about what learning should be happening in the classroom. This is actually frustrating many teachers that I have spoken with; it just becomes another thing being dumped on educators, not something that is going to make learning better. There is definitely some value in playing with a device and figuring out the wonderful things it can do, but should we really buy these en masse for that purpose? Shouldn't we try to figure out what the learning looks like and then discuss the device?...
But, the video at the link below shows what Superintendent Starr says at the Board of Education table.  Watch the video and hear Superintendent Starr's justification for this major technology purchase.


  1. What does the learning look like? It's insane!! It's a mess!! And, here comes another new curriculum. Teachers are in their classrooms for hours upon hours and weekends trying to figure out the new curriculum, new grading policy, etc. Promethean boards don't improve instruction. These boards are simply a tool. MCPS should focus on training their staff in the new curriculum and providing them with resources that align to the new curriculum. It shouldn't take hours upon hours to plan a lesson. How did we even get here? Oh yeah, Weast and Pearson, I think. Anyway, instructional planning and delivery is a nightmare for teachers in this county. Can we clear up all the confusion with the new curriculum and grading policy before dumping Promethean boards on all of these teachers/students. Spend your money on good curriculum, lowering class size, hiring in more Spec. ED. staff so that our children can receive their legally mandated spec. ed. minutes and teacher training for all of your new programs you roll out, MCPS. If you have money left over after all that, then Promethean boards might be a helpful tool. I am angry that teachers are using this tool for lunch count and videos, but MCPS can't afford to offer in depth trainings on Promethean board use. So, this is what you get. Promethean Boards? This is a waste of money. Shame on MCPS for putting Promethean boards before our students and THEIR needs.

  2. Anonymous, how do you know teachers are in their classrooms for hours and on weekends trying to figure out the Pearson curriculum? And it strikes me as odd that the teachers, who are privileged to vote for their MCEA leadership which has a say and sits at the secret MCPS budget meetings, are suddenly so concerned about how MCPS is spending our tax dollars. Again, I would recommend that if teachers are concerned about the Pearson curriculum, they contact the New York state attorney general, P: 800-771-7755. The NY AG is investigating Pearson. The MD AG, Doug Gansler, is from Montgomery County, so, not so much.

  3. Thanks for that number, Paula. I will pass it on to other teachers. I am a teacher and a parent in this county. However, I post as anonymous because I would like to keep my job. When you step out of line in this county, you are placed on their target list. Why is the NY AG investigating Pearson? Why is MCPS not investigating who they do business with? Please give me as much info. as you can on this. I'm sure many teachers would be interested in what you can share. I can tell you that the roll out of 2.0 has been very difficult and now the county is pushing hard to put 4th and 5th grade 2.0 on the table by September 2013. There is not enough training in this new system and there seems to be lots of kinks. It's not easy to deliver good instruction when the majority of your time is spent figuring out a new curriculum that has been rushed and rolled out in a deficient manner.
    We just finished working out the kinks in Weast's last curriculum, which again, was rushed to print upon his demand. You should ask a teacher at your child's school to look at one of the subject guides and you will clearly see what I am referring to. Educators should not have to go on an endless scavenger hunt to gather resources to teach a curriculum. Many resources in those guides are not even available at the schools where we teach. It's mind boggling that Starr is proposing that we spend thousands on Promethean boards. I just spent several hundred dollars for supplies and resources to teach my students. Most teachers do the same, particularly in low income areas. I love my job and my students, but this county makes every day in the classroom (for all of us) very hard.
    I know I will be voting for non-apple ballot people from now on. MCPS and MCEA work together to serve only themselves.


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