
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Who was in Charge? Nancy Navarro and Patricia O'Neill

In a previous post we showed you payments to just one Board of Education outside law firm that has handled most of the litigation against families of children seeking special education services from FY 2004 through FY 2012.  

Who was the Board of Education President in the years when payments to this one law firm were over $500,000 a year?

Payments to Jeffrey Krew, LLC 
FY 2004 $ 489,526   President Sharon Cox
FY 2005 $ 470,398   President Patricia O'Neill
FY 2006 $ 706,921   President Charles Haughey (no longer in public office)
FY 2007 $ 566,230   President Nancy Navarro (County Council member)
FY 2008 $ 629,041   President Nancy Navarro (County Council member)
FY 2009 $ 392,770   President Shirley Brandman
FY 2010 $ 632,041   President Patricia O'Neill (Board of Education member)
FY 2011 $ 359,018   President Christopher Barclay
FY 2012 $ 339,853   President Shirley Brandman

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