
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Edline down

As MCPS nears the end of the first quarter, parents are reporting that Edline has not been able to update grades since October 18th, 2012.

Superintendent Joshua Starr's communication to parents about this breakdown is where? Press release? E-mail? Letter home? Twitter? 

Superintendent Starr was on the WAMU 88.5 Kojo Nnamdi show this afternoon.  When a parent called to ask about staying involved in their child's school Superintendent Starr didn't mention the Edline issue. 

UPDATE:  The Parents' Coalition contacted Edline directly about the failure of the MCPS system to update at the same time this post went on the blog.  A few hours later Edline began to update academic information again for MCPS families.


  1. There’s no excuse for MCPS not to know about this issue sooner. Where were Hollis and Stokes on this issue and why are we paying them so much? Why is it that PARENTS had to notify MCPS that Edline was down? If this means that MCPS really didn’t know for SIX days, that’s $2.5B of gross incompetence. If MCPS did know about it, that’s deception and an utter lack of accountability. How are parents, especially those of special needs students, supposed to stay informed just seven schools days before the end of the quarter? If a student did turn in an assignment and gets a zero, after November 2nd (end of the quarter) MCPS will not care whether or not Edline was down and parents were not informed. As of October 24th 3:50 PM, Edline is still down.

  2. We have confirmed reports that Edline is not updating. Staff is currently researching the issue. We understand the urgency of getting it fixed as quickly as possible. I will post an update on the OARS Advisor Forum when I have more information.

  3. I was wondering why edline was not updated. Anyhow, it was up last night.

  4. Edline started updating again last night (October 24, 2012) after being down for six consecutive days. If parents had not notified MCPS about the outage, the system would probably still be offline today.


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